Here are some impressions from my recent trip in Italy. I rode together with my girlfriend, we did some camping and some Airbnbs depending on weather and availability. It was our first „longer“ trip like this and we tried to pack as light as possible – however I think there is some potential for improvement. Both our bikes with all of the gear weight around 20kg each which we thought was already quite okay.

    We got to Italy by train, rode 8 days in total and had 1 rest day after the first 5 days which we strongly needed. 😅
    The route is around 50% gravel, 50% road, but the gravel sometimes is really tough. I wish I had my mountain bike at some points, even though I was amazed by how much beating the gravel bikes could handle.

    Overall, the trip went very well. Only minor casualties (socks fell into the brake calipers and two punctures on my Sworks Pathfinder tires)

    Can definitely recommend the tour. Hope you like the pictures! 🚵

    by EL-Hintern


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