I'm so happy! Well, I actually got the bike yesterday and I've gone out on two rides already. I got this Giant at my local LBS (I'm not sure what year it is). I enjoyed riding it so much! My other bike is an urban schwinn that I'd been struggling with.

    I wrote here a couple of months ago because my commute involves some hills that were very hard, they never got better. I got a lot of feedback and advice and I did change the schwinn's parts, got it serviced, and nothing. I felt so frustrated and started looking for a better quality bike. Wow. Now I feel bad that I didn't get a new bike before and that I spent all that money on the other one. I guess it had so much sentimental value that I got too caught up with the sunk cost fallacy. I'm not sure if I'll sell it or keep it to have a spare.

    Anyway! Here's my new bike, it got me up the hill more easily and I can keep a steady cadence for longer. I'm going to start getting it prettier little by little. If you're in a similar situation, just go for the better bike. It's worth it!

    by mntb_

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