I live up on the 4th floor and don't want to take my bike up and down everyday, is it okay if I just lock it here? (This is my parking space). Would you say it's sheltered from the rain aswell?

    by Eigear


    1. I can’t see a lock in this photo. I can’t see what you’re locking it to in this photo. I can’t see what this faces on to.

    2. I would never leave my bike overnight like that. If that means going four flights of stairs, so be it. Even when I was in Japan and lived on the 8th floor, I end up carrying my bike up and down during commutes since the elevator was always packed. I see it as an added bonus for my daily workout.

    3. It will be stolen within a week, and that’s me being generous. The only truly safe parking spot overnight is in your home. Even if your bike, by some divine miracle, isn’t stolen a bunch of your components will be stolen.

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