I love gravel bikes. I love drop bars, and I love being able to get low and go fast-ish on pavement, but also have an appetite for some chunkier and sandier riding than my current bike is great for. A pair of Jumbo Jims is only 10W total more rolling-resistant than my current beloved 27.5×2.25 gravel tires, and would make quick work of the worst sections of Baja Divide without slowing everything else down too much. My plan would be to load this bike down with bikepacking gear and have it be home sweet home for hopefully quite some time. What say the experienced fatbike crowd? This bike seems pretty unique in the space, considering everything else capable of fat tires is pretty much MTB geometry. This is almost the same as my CFR696!


    by chuckaeronut


    1. TOWMAK is rad imo. Know a few folks that have them in MI and they can pretty much make it the all arounder if necessary with a wheel swap on deck. Good buddy of mine and I did a kinda connector grav to singletrack big day a few weeks ago and not only was I jealous of his setup, but he was blowing people’s minds in some of the singletrack! 😂 r/MichiganCycling

    2. Extra points for eggbeaters.

      I feel like those bars are a little too splayed; I’d want proper drops myself.

      It would make for a very comfy – if not very fast – trail cruiser.

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