Creative Thinking, Ascended Master Djwhal Khul esoteric teaching.

    “Creative Thinking” by Lucille Cedercrans is a series of progressive lessons dictated by Tibetan Ascended Master Djwhal Khul aimed at integrating the persona with the Soul. The book emphasizes that our world is a reflection of our collective thoughts and actions, and thus, we have the power to transform it from one of pain and fear to one of peace and harmony.

    The lessons are designed to guide individuals in aligning their personal aspirations with a higher spiritual purpose, preparing them for deeper spiritual work. The ultimate goal is to foster a group consciousness dedicated to the good, the true, and the beautiful for humanity.

    1 Comment

    1. “Creative Thinking” by Lucille Cedercrans is a series of progressive lessons dictated by Tibetan Ascended Master Djwhal Khul aimed at integrating the persona with the Soul. The book emphasizes that our world is a reflection of our collective thoughts and actions, and thus, we have the power to transform it from one of pain and fear to one of peace and harmony.

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