On a big 4 month tour at the moment. This rear tire has seen 5000km. We have about 1500km to go. Does it need to be replaced now? Or Do you think it will make it to the end?

    by Accomplished_Ad1023


    1. Yeah, I’d replace that before riding 1500k.

      I’d rather do it now than be stopping at the side of the road – and usually when I do that it’s dark and wet too.

    2. Replace when possible, I would not do another 1500km on this. 5000km is quite a lot with a fully loaded bike.

    3. You can buy a new folding tire now and keep it with you until this one dies harder. But going away from where bike shops are without a spare would be a poor idea.

    4. Yep, off road tyres have tiny treds and are usually worn much faster on roads.
      Wider treds or slicker tyres will last longer.

    5. The lack of knobs is a problem, the dry rot cracks are dangerous! If a tire is old enough to have cracks like this the rubber has deteriorated to a slick unsafe state.

    6. Guilty_Waltz4752 on

      it looks like you’re running the wrong tire for your riding based on that wear pattern. Buy a gravel tire that’s designed for payment and dirt and it will last much longer. And yes, don’t ride with this tire as it won’t be safe in any conditions.

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