Hey guys! A newbie here, bought my first gravel bike (used), bought a Lizard Skins tape, paid a bike mechanic to tape it and this is how it's done. Is it my perfectionist raging or he fcked up? 🫤

    by khator_k


    1. Turbulent-Ad6619 on

      That’s awful. You could have done it yourself and had better results compared to that shit. I’d go back and ask them to do it again.

    2. I was gonna say “Not bad for a first attempt…” but – *you* ***PAID*** *for that shit-show!?*

      I wouldn’t trust *anything* done by that bike “mechanic”…

    3. Make them re do it/pay for the new tape. At first I thought this post was a first attempt at wrapping lol

    4. Oh my god.

      Did they put the small strips between the mount and the bar? Or is that just where they transitioned. This is bad.

    5. Nine times out of ten, I would like to comment on here: if you don’t know X, Y, Z, either check youtube or have a mechanic do it.

      This is just an awful service from your mechanic, would be a reason for me to look for another shop after they fixed the mess or reimbursed me.

    6. I have never done it and think i could do a better job if i just learn from slowly unwrapping a worn out good job. So i would not accept that.

    7. Jesus, take it back make them replace new tape for nothing, who ever did this has never wrapped bars before

    8. I say this seriously and with compassion, I did a better job my first time after just watching some videos. Take it back. Unfortunately it’s a bad job, but at least you know not to trust this guy with any more important jobs

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