Hi everyone,

    I have a carbon fork on my bike from 2017 that has seen about 15,000 km of non-extreme gravel riding. Recently, after a ride in some dusty conditions, I've noticed some patterns that look like cracks on the fork. However, after washing it, these markings are still noticeable, and I can feel slight steps with my fingernail.

    I know it's hard to give a definitive answer from a photo, but I'm curious about your experiences with similar issues. Do you think this is just a cosmetic issue related to the surface paint, or could it indicate a deeper problem with the underlying carbon?

    Thanks for your insights!

    by RS_42


    1. The crack pattern is from paint and not carbon. My guess, bit of Uv light from riding, paint aged, flexing from the carbon fork and so the paint cracked.

      I guess I would ride it. But new teeth are more expensive than a carbon checkup with x-ray or ultrasound (forgot what they use). Or even a new fork is cheaper then a big crash.

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