LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE Episode 2: Kilvey Hill Swansea the Skyline The Full Picture and Community Effects In this episode, we delve deep into the proposed development on Kilvey Hill in Swansea by Skyline Enterprises and Swansea Skyline LTD. Join us as we uncover the multifaceted concerns and explore the community’s response to this ambitious project.

    Key Topics Discussed:

    Environmental Impact: How the development could disrupt Wales’s largest urban forest, affecting local wildlife, including rare bat species and flora like the purple moor grass.

    Noise Pollution: The potential increase in noise levels threatens Kilvey Hill’s status as a designated quiet area, impacting residents and wildlife.

    Loss of Public Access: There are fears that the project might restrict areas currently enjoyed by community groups, MTB, horseback riders, and walkers during construction and beyond.

    Water Resources: Concerns about construction contaminating local water sources relied upon by residents.

    Economic Viability: There are questions about the project’s long-term sustainability, especially in light of previous developments like the Penderyn Distillery facing challenges after public funding.

    Transparency and Community Involvement: The community desires genuine consultation and transparency in decision-making processes.

    Alternative Proposals: Introduction to the Kilvey Nexus Plan—a community-driven alternative focusing on enhancing the natural environment and local economy without large-scale disruption.

    Get Involved:

    With the 30-days public comment window for planning application Ref. No: 2023/1748/FUL closing on Fri 13 Oct 2024, now is the time to make your voice heard.

    Review the Planning Application: search for Kilvey on @

    Submit Your Comments: Ensure your feedback is submitted before the deadline.

    Connect with Community Groups:

    Save Kilvey Hill Facebook Page:
    Kilvey Hill Video Playlist:

    Understand Your Rights and Planning Considerations:

    Swansea Local Development Plan (LDP):

    Material Planning Considerations:

    Planning Aid Wales: What to do when faced with a
    planning application in Wales –

    Learn About the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015:

    Stay Informed and Engaged:

    Your participation is crucial in shaping the future of Kilvey Hill. Whether you’re a local resident or someone passionate about environmental conservation and community rights, your input can make a difference.

    00:00 Introduction
    01:00 Overview of Skyline Enterprises’ Proposal
    03:00 Concerns About Noise Pollution
    05:00 Environmental Impact on Wildlife and Habitat
    07:00 Water Resources and Sewage Infrastructure
    09:00 Public Access and Loss of Open Space
    11:00 Equestrian Access and Community Usage
    13:00 Economic Viability and Public Funding Concerns
    16:00 Community Consultation and Lack of Transparency
    18:00 Alternative Proposals: The Kilvey Nexus Plan
    21:00 Legal Considerations and Land Ownership Issues
    23:00 Potential Conflicts of Interest
    25:00 Lessons from the Penderyn Distillery Case
    28:00 The Future of Kilvey Hill: What’s Next?
    30:00 Conclusion and Call to Action


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