An elderly widower was punched to the ground and killed after he confronted a cyclist for riding his bike on the pavement.

    Retired engineer Michael Dawson, 78, motioned for Nathan Pilling to dismount and walk his bike after the younger man rode near him on the sidewalk in Bury, Greater Manchester.

    Founder of Cycle Legal Kevin O’Sullivan joins Talk’s Mike Graham to discuss this further.

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    1. @davidcoomber4050  You are just as bad as the anti cycling bingo bandits. There are good and bad, legal and illegal electric bikes and riders, just like there are for cars. Don't be drawn into the propoganda. We all know there are lawless idiots about, in all forms of transport and no transport at all. I have just been out for a walk and as an experiment, I tried the new hierarchy laws in reality as a pedestrian, crossing the end of several roads, as I was entitled to do unhindered. Not one car stopped, even though I put my feet on the road, clearly indicating my intentions. Thus indicating by your methodology, that all car drivers are dangerous, lawless uncaring individuals and government should ban all cars. Just listen to how silly that sounds ? Just have a think mate and use your common sense.

    2. Mike always complains about cyclists, riding on pavements and going through red lights yet thousands of car drivers do a lot worse and kill hundreds of people every year. Many motorists break the Speed limits, illegally use mobile phones, jump red lights, go the wrong way on one way streets, park on pavements, drive without insurance, drive with cars not fit to be on the road, drive dangerously etc etc. They are massively more dangerous than cyclists. Why doesn't he do a show about how dangerous motorists are compared to cyclists. I remember last year when he was bragging about doing 90mph in a 50mph zone, while on holiday in, I think Italy, because he said the police weren't as bothered over there by speeding motorists. How irresponsible was he and imagine if he had caused a death by doing that

    3. Appalling logic. If a motorist were criticised for parking their car badly by a pensioner who then argued with them over the way they'd parked it but got punched by the motorist and the pensioner died


      Now who's Plank of the Week?

    4. Back in the late 80's I stayed behind after school and took part in a short course and ultimately sat a cycling proficiency set.
      Since then I've known the rules clearly and followed them.

      Maybe it should be brought back into schools.

      Education is vital.

    5. This story has nothing to do with cyclists – this was a violent thug who happened to be on a bicycle. Get a grip. If cyclists are being labelled as cold hearted killers then based on road death figures that makes car drivers psychopathic maniacs just based on how many deaths are caused by drivers as opposed to cyclists. So as I say get some perspective – this is just utter rubbish. As for registration where does it start and end – does a kid on a tricycle need a license? as I say utter rubbish.

    6. As a driver cyclists pxss me off I drive a heavy vehicle and they nip in and out off traffic besides having to be watching the speedo these muppets appear from nowhere and think you cn stop on a dime 7 tonnes even at slow speed will kill your lycra wearing axx we need uncluttered highways where we can concentrate on driving in all weather conditions without some twxt in dark clothes no lights zipping down your right or left side while turning ffs

    7. Number plates, road tax , insurance and fines for breaking the law. On bikes too, pay and uphold the law like everyone one else. No more killing people or smashing into cars causing damage then cycling away Scott free

    8. When was the last time Mike Graham got on a f***ing bike. Has he ever tried cycling on our roads today? Car drivers are selfish, impatient and bloody rude. It is very daunting and intimidating to cycle on our roads. That is why cyclists use the pavements now. Also cars are parked on pavements everywhere but I don’t hear him complaining about that

    9. I drive early morning 5am, seen 3 cyclists 5 days this week on the road no street lighting, riding with no lights on the bikes, there sefish, ignorant morons, I almost hit one Friday the should be registered and mandatory insurance, another piss take for the legal motorists…

    10. To$$ers like this cyclist mouthpiece are the real problem. They think they are morally superior like the idiot JSO protestors and other leftists who think they have a moral superiority that puts them above basic law and basic control.

    11. Mike I do NOT agree that cyclists are "the scum of lo the earth" and feel that this is a catastrophically bad piece of presentation. I spend a lot of time on social media criticising unrepresentative cycling groups, but only because they encourage cyclists not to protect themselves and in fact put themselves unnecessarily in dangerous positions just to get "clicks" and to make dubious points about climate change. Cyclists' lives actually matter very much to me; that's why I call them out for running red lights and not wearing protective gear. Although I disagree with much of what this lawyer says, your treatment of him wa disappointing and frankly mirrors the kind of behaviour that certain well-known "race grifters" demnonstrate when they appear on your show. You'd be the first to criticise them. An apology plus clarification is in order. Without it, the cause of safe and expeditious movement for all road users may be damaged for good.

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