1. Are those the stock pedals? If they are i would change those first and get good pair of mtb shoes. (Clips or flat, you choose)

      Handle bars, make sure you have them at the right length as they come super long from factory.

      Either than that, if everything is working properly i would not worry about it. Ride and when components break then you can swap them.

    2. If you’re new to MTB, just ride for a while, get a feel for it and decide what you like or don’t like. Usually the first changes are pedals, grips, saddle. Why do you feel you need new bars and derailleur already?

    3. Mission_Employee_169 on

      Agree with others. I’d wait to replace the derailleur into it wear out. It’s an SX so it likely won’t take long.

      For handle bars, I see a lot of people upgrading to one up or pnw. I’m considering when to upgrade handlebars myself so can’t provide much advice on timing there. Think that’s more of a preference than wear decision.

      One easy upgrade I can see is upgrade is your water bottle.

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