Unless I can’t move, I can’t give up cycling. What makes you all love cycling?

    by Content-Ocelot-9021


    1. It just gives me such joy. And I’m not fast, but I’m so good at it.

      Just loaded my bike in the car – heading into the valley to do a double century tomorrow. It sounds nuts, but I love pushing my limits.

    2. Former-Republic5896 on

      I love beautiful bikes (like yours) but for god sakes, take a proper picture!

      1. drivetrain side out

      2. crank at 3 ‘o clock position or sloped to align with the seat stay

      3. valves at 12 ‘o clock (or at least in the same position for the front and the rear wheels)

      4. No water bottle or (gawd) saddle bag in the photo.

      /j and /nj

    3. The freedom, being out in the fresh air even when it’s cold and raining, the fitness and sense of accomplishment it brings to me.

    4. AtomicHurricaneBob on

      It gives me a place to get into and out of my head.

      When i want to get into my head .. i hit the road. Me time for quiet contemplation.

      When i want to get out of my head… I got the MTB trails. Me time for contemplating only how not to crash.


    5. When I’m in that moment of effort, pushing up a slight hill, faster than I should, feeling strong, tucked down on the hoods, winding up the pace. Fuck yes.

    6. I’m a casual cyclist so I’m not up to date about parts. What’s different about this bike that makes it better? Also i enjoy the idea of not seeing the brakes lines I have no idea what the correct term is. Is it really worth in the money the end. What does repair costs look like? I’m not trying to race, I’m more of a distance/speed guy. I currently have a diamondback haanjo

    7. AnnualMoney6414 on

      As others have said, it allows me to both get out and get into my head. If there’s a day where I need to vent/get out feelings/energy I can make my legs louder than my mind. Conversely, if there’s a day where I need to process stuff I can go to a trail/path that isn’t near traffic and get lost in my thoughts.

    8. I’m early middle age, and I realized my body wasn’t keeping up with the old ways I used to work out. That’s how I found cycling. I’m 6’8″, and when I was younger, I could never find a bike to fit me. Then a friend who is almost as tall got involved and helped me find a good fit. Now, it almost doesn’t seem fair to have so much fine while exercising! It really is that perfect combination of outdoors, solitude, exertion, and a good toy! I hope to be doing this for the next 40 years!

    9. Isn’t it really just a reason for us to confidently wear Lycra? That and cycling a lot helps me justify the ungodly amount of bakery treats I eat.

    10. The freedom, peace and quiet, and positive impact on my mental health when I’m out on my own. And to sate my competitive edge and pump the endorphins when I’m racing

    11. Oh man, great question, thank you for asking. For me it’s my bike, the rides, the speed, the flow, seeing more places, greeting people while riding (that for me this is a great plus, i love those encounters with micro nods and seeing smiles afterwards and why not yell some good remarks..), the effort , the distance i can travel, passing cars in a traffic jam (proving that a bike is way more suitable in a city), the shower after a ride and the cleaning and maintenance of the bike, it’s mechanics and just the fact that i am my own source of fuel and speed and that i can always improve it until i can’t move, i’ll forever peddle. Much love to all the riders out there!!!

    12. When I’m doing it regularly, I feel really great both physically and mentally and when I’m not it’s literally the opposite. I’m trying to get back but just moved to Madrid where traffic and bikes are a bad combo. I’m doing it anyway but feels dangerous.

    13. Solo rides in peace. No impact, great for mind and body. Been on a bike of some sort for 55 years. Love steep, long climbs. People assume I’m on an e-bike. No chance until one day I absolutely have to.

    14. The feeling of freedom! Being out in the fresh air, enjoying your surroundings but also speed through it with ease. On to the next town, bridge or dike.

    15. Alarmed_Day_8516 on

      Absolutely! Cycling isn’t just a hobby; it’s a lifestyle that sticks with you through thick and thin!

    16. I love cycling, but my fear of becoming road pizza by inattentive drivers (exacerbated by too may close calls) has killed my desire to ride my road bike any more.

      I still mountain bike, but that’s not something I can do right from my front door, so not doing that as much as I’d like.

      I went from riding >2K miles per year to virtually nothing because people can’t keep their noses out of their phones.

    17. Lookshinythings on

      It has provide me a sense of freedom since I five years old. I’ve always had a bike and I’ve ridden them daily.

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