1. BigJumpSickLanding on

      They want people to say ‘ooh cool find’ and talk about their new bike with them, because they’re excited about it. Let people enjoy things.

    2. joshuashitforshattle on

      throw away front derder, buy a set of william wonkers and VO klunkers, cover rust in stickers and ride until you lose interest and take up disc golf.

    3. The search bar is your friend here, folks. I guarantee you that if you just picked up an old bike and literally have no idea what to do with it, you will get some interesting results by simply looking up and searching for your bike model in this sub. If you don’t find good inspiration from there, keep digging or coming up with other questions.

      The sheer volume of “What should I do?” posts (in my own opinion) impacts the overall quality of this sub. At a minimum, please ask something specific that can help readers steer you in the right direction. Otherwise, don’t be disappointed when every reply is simply: “You should ride it,” because frankly, what kind of response were you looking for? Are you looking for a parts list? Are you asking to convert to 1x? Are you wondering if wide tires will fit? Please be specific.

    4. BugsBunnysCouch on

      But that requires effort – just tell me what to do!!

      How do I make this piece of shit I found for $120 on FB marketplace 1x – I’ve never ridden a bike before and don’t own a wrench. Thanks!

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