My fender, reflector, and one of the rear wheels are all getting damaged on my P series bike. First pic is of it unfolded to show the damage, other pics show my folded bike and how I'm wheeling it. I fold it as shown, leaving the handlebars out, and pull it next to me from the handlebar to wheel it around.

    Gradually over the past 3ish weeks I've had the bike, I've accumulated the above damage already. I find that on perfectly flat ground the bike is fine, but if there's any sort of imperfection in the sidewalk, like a pothole or an edge sticking up, I'm likely to have an issue and snag something. Is this just a limitation of the bike, or is something wrong with my fold to be causing the damage? I followed the manual for my first several folds and was/am pretty confident I'm doing it right, but seeing this damage to my bike now has me doubting.

    by blasstoyz


    1. Have you sat on the saddle whilst it’s folded, as the easywheels look like they have splayed out instead of being parallel ?

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