Keir Starmer, Prime Minister and First Lord of the Treasury of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, addresses the General Debate of the 79th Session of the General Assembly of the United Nations (New York, 24 – 30 September 2024).

    World leaders gather to engage in the annual high-level General Debate under the theme, “Unity and diversity for advancing peace, sustainable development, and human dignity, everywhere and for all.” Heads of State and Government and ministers will explore solutions to intertwined global challenges to advance peace, security, and sustainable development.

    The UN General Assembly (UNGA) is the main policy-making organ of the Organization. Comprising all Member States, it provides a unique forum for multilateral discussion of the full spectrum of international issues covered by the Charter of the United Nations. Each of the 193 Member States of the United Nations has an equal vote.

    General debate website:


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    Screenshot credit: UN Photo/Loey Felipe

    #UNGA #UnitedNations


    1. Thank you prime minister the wars has to be stopped immediately the all aids to eradicate poverty and climate change are taking away by war suffering victims please stop the wars collectively internationally, any war between members of UN without international Court approval will be shall be considered a crime a state crime,

    2. He said fires are burning with ever greater intensity, but he firgit to add that it is him and his western collaborators thet actually fuel theses fires by throwing petrol on them in the form of deadly weapons , money and relentless propaganda. In case anyone is wondering who these people really are.

    3. A true honest leader will fear no one and speak the truth everyone knows, the only way to peace in the Middle East is for Israel to end the occupation now, not in the future, with no talks, no if or but, he should have said Israel must end the occupation now,

    4. As a Brit, I do not share the political views of the ruling Labour party nor do I agree with many of its domestic policies, but I am sincerely thankful for Prime Minister Starmer's representation of the UK at the United Nations General Assembly.

    5. EVERY Permanent member country along with its UN representative should be vetted thoroughly against anti-Semetism and ALL forms of racism. For example, if the UN Security Council (P5) is to be expanded, a representative from South Africa is disqualified as it has grown to support Islamic terrorism, authoritarianism, and has grown to hate white people, which everyone knows, especially all Africans, that all Jews are not white. Maybe Rawanda.

      I think the world supports more of a reflection of itself and broader representation in the Security Council and the UN in general, but the way you create it, we are all watching. If the UN decides to play politics and select countries and representatives that we know will plunge this world further into darkness… you will unleash chaos all across the world. Be careful UN, please.

    6. Climate change is another way for controlling other emerging countries!!! Africa never get involved any of climate change measure policy!! Western can do their bits, but Africa should be left out not to sign any deal with west!! Otherwise Africa will stay poor without any aggressive economical growth for centuries to come!!! I advice African leadership should never sign any international climate change policy at all!! Africa should focus on economical growth by all means including burnin coals, cutting trees if needed!

    7. The UK was the start of all the problems in the empire forming crimes committed in the past, and was passed onto the US to continue crimes against humanity and act as a proxy for Israel to try and create division chaos and destruction for its own goals IAW its Zionist agenda.

    8. Hypocrite, stop the 130 arms licenses & supplying Israel ………how dare you lecture the UN about what they must do, while the UK consistently exercise your veto.

    9. 👋 Keir Starmar,Prime Minister And First Lord Of The Treasury Of The United Kingdom Great Britain And Northern Ireland, Addresses The General Debate Of The 79th Session Of The General Assembly Of The United Nations (New York 24-30 September 2024)

    10. The un is the biggest joke in the world,sitting from dictatorship land like africa saudia china end talking about umen rights!!!!!there is no umen rights in those lands

    11. Our problem is imports imbalance, world community can solve this problem. Only one solution Token Money Trade TMT in their own currencies, a viable solution of Tokens issued by central Banks of different countries Tokens.

    12. I predict Cardboard Kier will be pushed to resign by his party within weeks, Angela Rayner the deputy PM is plotting his overthrow. The most boring and two faced PM we’ve ever had in U.K.

    13. Britain's attempt to structure a Re-Colonization of India has failed.

      India has circumvented this by pre-emptively structuring a deal to funnel $US2Trn in value from India to the UK over 20 years. This happened 4 years ago. Only 16 more years to go until India can wash its hands with the UK for good.

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