Hi All,

    Here is the link to the route which this post is all about

    I've lived in the Netherlands for over a decade, cycling all this time, but only recently getting into gravel cycling.

    This is the route I've made, incorporating a few different sources. The classic Green Divide takes centre stage, but lots of other lovely stuff on the way.

    Plan is to do it over 5 days, which is quite doable (I did green divide in two days and that was fine). Plan to cycle it next year.

    Do you live near any of the route? Cycled sections nearby? Could you please give me any advice about sections I've selected that aren't so good or what I should consider including on the route?

    Thanks for any help, have a nice day!

    by slackslackliner


    1. I feel like you might be missing out on some amazing sections in the Veluwezoom. 

      Also cycling close to the river from Arnhem to Renkum is amazing. Just follow the LF 4 for this section. 

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