Also question: since front and rear tires usually wear out at the different milage, should I keep the front tire just-it-case, or should I just get rig of it?

    by Sta1kERR


    1. knobbies! on against the currents! and believe it or not, do rotate my bike tires on bored days. always keep tires with any tread, never know when one will get damaged beyond use, esp in town! enjoy new tire day!

    2. Infamous_Staff6214 on

      Depending on your storage availability and how much you ride, I’d keep one used tire that looks like it has the most life.

      I’ve only had to use an old tire once, but it’s such an annoying feeling to get a flat and not have a spare tire and have to wait for one to come in the mail or wait until a bike shop opens.

      Now I always try to have an extra new tire in storage

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