At a group ride recently, milling around in the parking lot before we started, I saw a bike with some sort of device mounted on the front shock down by the brake caliper. It looked somewhat like the piggy-back "can" that some rear shocks have.
I didn't really get a good look at it before we rolled out and then kind of forgot about it. I was telling another friend about it and couldn't really say what it was and I haven't been able to find anything online.
Any ideas on what something like that could be?
Update: Found it. Vorsprung Secus
by smugmug1961
Could be a mass damper. These have started to be seen out in the wild now.
I think it’s a larger negative air chamber. Push Industries makes one if I’m correct.
Could’ve been a Vorsprung Secus
[Vorsprung Secus](
Could be a Vorsprung Secus. That increases the size of the negative air chamber and mounts down by the footnut of the airshaft.
Your describing the vorsprung secus to the t , abs might be a possibility but seems to be mounted more towards the crown and doesn’t look as cylindrical as the secus.
Vorsprung Secus? Or I think BOS did a fork with a piggyback on it once.
I’m wondering if it was a Vorsprung Secus….