Some half year ago I accidentally moved from 40 mm to 45 mm tyres; The 42 mm Pathfinders I got on sale just ballooned unexpectedly on my Levante wheels.

    The upsizing has been without any negatives. Speed and agility is the same. The ride just feels more comfy and supple.

    Now I’m debating with my self whether to go for 44 mm or 48 mm next. Tufo Thundero that is.

    While people generally seems to be happy with 45 mm tyre sizes I sense the reports are mixed on the 50 mm-ish rubber size. One fraction says big is the future, but others are more skeptical and points that the super sizes are heavy to push and sluggish on tarmac.

    My riding style is urban gravel. No matter how I plan my route it will include app 50% paved roads. The rest is fire roads and single tracks.

    Moving up will compromise my clearance to some extent. The question I’m asking you all; Is going BIG worth it?

    Please SPAM me with your reflections, opionions and person experiences!

    by Klumpegoej

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