With Britain no longer standing alone against Hitler, the initial contingent of G.l.s landed in the UK, seizing the opportunity created by the Japanese surprise assault on Pearl Harbor. Witnessing the fall of Singapore, the Allies recoiled in dismay as Japan extended its dominion over Java, Burma, and New Guinea, steadily advancing towards Australia.

    Produced and narrated by Liam Dale


    1. Let me being both Scottish & Irish ☘️ be first . He that big COWARD surrendered we had 3 /1 more ammo my grandfather perished bc of big Percival. He dragged 2 women & children & their belongings out in county cork Ireland 🇮🇪 & burned their home to the ground . One of those women was my GG grandmother General Micheal Collins sister Ireland’s bravest son , Percival after WW11 asked to met with the Ex IRA leader Irish Republican Army Tom Barry , I will quote Barry’s words “if he sets foot in Eire 🇮🇪he ain’t leave it alive “ UNQUOTE. He must of thought of my grandfather that perished under that BIG COWARD under brutal Japanese torture & thought what he did to my Irish ancestors. Percival couldn’t lace my GG uncle GENRAL Collins bootlaces ,

    2. Thank you but , this time i did not like the subtitles , english is my second language therefor when no consistance between spoken and subtitle makes it frustrating to read and listen , everytime a great job , thankyou.

    3. The japanese replaced the european colonists for a short
      Time until they surrendered
      in august1945 then the countries gained independance but the japanese thanks to usa finances became economically strong in trade
      Thruout Asia!

    4. My great grandfather was a British pilot in singapore. He was shot down, survived, caught by the Japanese and put into changi prison. He escaped, captured and the caught dysentery and died in changi.
      He has a gravestone in singapore.

      The Japanese were horrendous to captured soldiers, there is still a lot of ill feeling against the Japanese by older Australians..

    5. Thanks to Russia this disaster was brought to a reasonable end . The western allies knew Stalin was a thug , but he was our thug. The Russian federation after the sacrifices it suffered got only resentment.
      It was no wonder the communists did dig themselves in.

    6. It was a great snub and disgrace to the British pride and humiliated them to their roots. They thought themselves to be invincible and were forced to eat the humble pie.

    7. ユダヤ人を保護してソ連領内に傀儡でも国家を作らせていたら第二次大戦で勝利していたのはドイツだった。

    8. Sei não, parece que o narrador acredita muito na "bondade" de Stálin em seus planos no pós guerra. Stálin só queria tudo o que seu exército pudesse conquistar para tornar a URSS ainda maior. Sabemos que a bomba atômica não foi a gota d'água para que o Japão se rendesse, mas romantizar Stálin é um tremendo exagero.

    9. Молодцы японцы, после немцев показали ничтожность этих напыщенных врагов всей планеты. Хуже британии никого не было

    10. My father in law was captured in Singapore,,, he said they couldnt belive or understand why the commander surrendered , the men then suffered 4.5 yrs in the JAPANESE POW CAMP

    11. 日本がロシアと中国を檻に閉じ込めた。

    12. Based on your narrative from 4:46-5.15,
      if your interpretation of Japan's motivation
      to imitate Britain in expanding its empire is accurate,

      then perhaps an ancient Middle Eastern wisdom sums it up well:

      "And I saw that all toil and all achievement spring from
      one person's envy of another.

      This too is meaningless,
      a chasing after the wind."

      (Ecclesiastes 4:4)

    13. And so we enabled Japan's war against China from 1937 to 1941 by supplying them with over 80 percent of their oil. Keeping Japan too busy to join Germany against the USSR wasn't a priority until then. Japan's occupation of French Indochina was the excuse but that was the reason. The USSR and not Chennault had provided Chaing Kai-shek and the Nationalists with an Air Force from 1937 until then.

    14. Me pregunto por qué en estos videos pone escenas que no tienen nada que ver con el tema. Singapur queda en Asia, entonces la guerra en Europa es otra cosa, que no tiene relación alguna

    15. In their stone and dark age dominians the brits usually fought simple people that had vastly inferior technology, they therefore started to think of themselves as superior fighters. But each time they were confronted with a normal industrialized or even half-industrialized enemy it pretty quickly became clear that they did not know a thing about how to fight properly.

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