1. Both are way too small and unsafe to wear.

      I know this is a fashion sub, but stop worrying about “mushroom head” and get a helmet that will prevent brain damage if/when you crash.

    2. If u feel that your head is between two sizes I recommend you to choose another brand, I had same problem with MET, tryed several models in different sizes. Now have POC and happy) and no need to care about mushroom head, take more comfortable and useful for u

    3. I don’t think either fits at all really. It’s just the wrong shape for your head. You look like you have a narrow “rectangle” shaped head (like me) try a Giro imo.

    4. I sell helmets. Best way to tell is to back off the adjustment dial the whole way. You should be able to get a finger between the lid and your forehead when it is sat above the eyebrow ridge.

      Then when you do it up it should sit snug but not tight, give your head a shake, it shouldn’t move.

      If you can go smaller, go smaller. No benefit to a bigger helmet unless the smaller one doesn’t fit you.

      Agreed with the other commenter that if you are between sizes just choose a different brand. I like Kask and Giro helmets, and Specialized make good budget ones, but the high end ones are ugly.

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