New chain. Now there’s a throaty sound from the rear pulleys. I matched the previous chain length so it should be fine. Chain routing or compatibility issue?

    by Free_Evidence_8012


    1. yes, chain is routed wrong between the two pulleys. there is a metal tab there (spacer for the two sides of the spoon), your chain is routed on the right side and rubbing on it, it should go to the left. [img](

    2. If you looks real close at the length of chain between your 2 jockey wheels, you’ll see it’s not straight. it should have been routed under the metal tab it is currently riding over.

      Also, you might want to avoid riding in the current gearing you’re showing. Very hard on the chain and components, you can find a similar gear ratio in another combination of front/rear that keeps your chain as straight as possible.

    3. Perhaps you have the chain in these gears just for the photo, but while riding avoid cross-chaining- largest chainring in the front and biggest cog in the back (and the other way too- smallest chainring in front and smallest cog in the back). Otherwise, reroute the chain as the other comments have said

    4. Besides the wrong routing you put a sram chain on a shimano rear derailleur. (Can’t tell what the chain rings are from the pic) Probably its OK but you might want to check the compatibility for those parts.

    5. If you look carefully you can see it with your own eyes where there’s a hump in the chain between the two jockey wheels.

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