1. This was my first road bike, back in 1993. It was, IIRC, $799 brand new. The reality is that the floor for aging road bikes is about $150 for something in somewhat decrepit condition, and about $350 for something non-collectible but in excellent condition. At $200, this is likely fully depreciated and you just need to judge based on 1) it’s objective condition & rideability, and 2) your local market, whether it’s a good value or not.

      The bike itself is a perfectly fine bike. Downtube friction shifters will take a minute to get used to. I rode mine sportingly through three years of college [until it was stolen] and only once (going down a ski mountain at 55mph) did I feel like the bike was not sufficient for what I was doing.

    2. Careless_Web2731 on

      If you are just getting into biking for working out or commuting I think it’s a fine choice. You’ll learn if you like it and what you want different.

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