1. At least you got 5 weeks. I took a 12 year break then decided to buy a bike at a pawn shop. I took it outside of the door, took 3 peddles, tried to manual, looped out and broke my wrist.

    2. Senior-Baseball6392 on

      Hope you heal soon! The collarbone it’s maybe the first for everyone, it’s too easy to broke. When I rode a lot in some point had really bad ones at the end or beginning of a couple years, last one I broke my hip and that is a shitty one

    3. 6 weeks is fast. Good luck with recovery.

      Shattered my radial head joint in my elbow in June 2022. It’s a bone responsible for the alot of the twisty motions in your arm.

      Took about 1 yr of full rehab at home (moving it up and down and general rotation/movement). I had the joint replaced with metal during surgery and have this gnarly scar on my elbow.

      I tried to do a wall ride, didn’t commit, and fell with my hands out. The pressure from landing broke my elbow and messed up my wrist.

      But 2 yrs later, some weight lifting and weight loss later I’m back to cruising the local bowl and getting back flyout 3s. Hoping to get flips back this year to foam or rezzy.

      The human body is resilient.

    4. 20MinuteBicycleRidee on

      More than 6 weeks sir. Thats just what the doc says all the time. 3 months. Take collagen if you can. Or whatever helps with that.

    5. Not so much breaking a bone, but definitely injuries galore. Probably every 5-6 months I’d get hurt enough to keep of the bike for at least 3 weeks. Big sets of trails and crashing are no joke.

    6. 20MinuteBicycleRidee on

      Did you get surgery for collarbone? Man same one over here from just riding a skateboard. Didn’t feel/ see foot sliding towards nose and i flipped forward full speed and cat reflexes turned towards my back shoulder. I didnt really sit still after break. It gets boring. I kept doing stuff after so it didn’t heal correctly. Now it’s like a finger joint. Cracks sometimes the same way it does when cracking fingers. Lol

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