I'm trying to figure out if this damage to the seatstay was cause by vandalism or is fatigue or a defective frame. The scratches on the top seem strange to me, as do the missing piece of metal on the side. But I don't know how metal fatigue presents.

    I didn't notice any issues a few days before when I did a few service items on the bike.

    by dvdboi


    1. Honestly I’d want to see it in person before making any judgements. That looks like a strange place / strange way to vandalize a bike. If you bought the bike new, take it back to a dealer and have them see if there’s lifetime warrenty on the frame.

      I’d not mention your doubt about it being vandalized; just see if they honor the warranty.

    2. looks strange, there is also something going on with the other side where the paint has flaked off at the joint..

    3. I can’t imagine the tube failing that way in normal use scenarios, it would most likely fail by cracking right next to the welds, and also the areas around the damage seem to have witness marks from an angle grinder.

    4. Just a guess. Scratches may have come from riding with the break where seat tube portion was rubbing on seatstay.

      As to how this may have happened. Maybe a car drove into the bikes back wheel while it was parked in a rack, or maybe roof rack/garage.

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