The large majority of Dutch children cycle to school. This is how they arrive at a school’s bicycle parking facility in ‘s-Hertogenbosch (aka Den Bosch) in the Netherlands. There is nothing special about this school. All over the Netherlands schools look like this between 8 and 8.30 in the morning.
    More info:
    Music: Pioneers by Jason Shaw (Public Domain)


    1. I feel so sorry for these kids, having poor parents who can't afford a car so they can't bring them to school… Looks like they can't even afford helmets.

    2. excellent sujet d'étude combien de km fait chaque cycliste pour venir stationner son vélo ici, est-il venu avec son vélo d'une gare ? vient-il de loin , de près ? c'est l'élément qui manque à cette démonstration, plaquer du kilométrage et de la carte géographique pour chaque utilisateur de vélo

    3. what's funny is, everyone has a "favorite spot" they always like to park their bike at. 9/10 times you would be able to find the same bike at the same spot.

    4. I notice that the women's bikes with baskets on the front wheel don't have a proper place to safely being stored and being chained to a safety place at this school yard. Oversight? or just good, old misogyny in the sense of 'what women need should be no different than what men need, so I don't need to plan for it'.

    5. Would love to hear your response when they asked you why you're filming school children for 30 minutes from behind the fence 😀

    6. absolutely nobody uses a bike to get to my school, there is a old bike rack that isn't even secured to the ground and a 90% chance of your bike getting stolen or vandalised. Most people have a bike but its not safe enough to bring to school

    7. If you do not mind I want to rebroadcast this clip and tell the world that the cities need to carbonizes. The Climate Emergency is important!

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