My handlebar is attatched with Zero degree Offset. In comparison with the photos on the Website there is a big difference.

    I do not like the „U“ shape I have on my setup. Should I rotate the handlebar more upright? The rubber of the lever is horizontally aligned wirh the floor

    by Auslogggen


    1. You’d have to rotate your bars up, drop your shift levers down which means you’ll have to re-wrap your tape. You’ll also increase your reach.

    2. You can position it just as you like. Loosen the four bolts in the front and then rotate it. You can also position the levers where you want to.

    3. Just the hood positioning on the bars is different. Look up how to position the hoods. You can do a bit without re-doing the handlebar tape. This is a basic bike fit thing, adjust it the way it is comfortable for you.

    4. Your handlebar does not look like it’s installed with zero offset. It’s positioned quite downwards. Adjust that first then you can adjust the brifters

    5. Grab the tools it came with and loosen off the screws that hold the handlebars in place. Then move them up until they look parallel to the floor. Then tighten back up to the recommended torque with the handle little torque tool they included 😊

    6. notraptorfaniswear on

      Should be a 15 min fix. Just unwrap the tape halfway then loosen the bolts. Handle bar will have to be tilted up. My bike fitter did the same for me

    7. As other said, personal preference. But be aware that normally handlebars end with their drops about 90 deg to horizontal, like in the first pic.
      The position like in the second pic, where your line is straight, gave me a terrible feeling and hand position in the drops, so for me the first one is way better. These handlebars are a bit weird…

    8. We’ve seen many Grizls posted here with the handlebars and shifters installed like yours. Not sure Canyon does it this way on the Grizl.

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