Pink bike is a Swedish Crescent Action 18 with a pair of thrifted moto-bars, new v-brakes and levers as well as a new(er) rear wheel. The touring bike is a danish SCO from 83’, only needed new tyres, brake pads and wires for it to work like new.
Also, since there’s been a small influx of videos on here lately I put together a small (but probably too long) trip report that you can check out here if you want;
Total budget for both bikes, including parts to fix them up totals up to under 200€, and I’m using a cheap hammock and a thrifted bivvy. What I’m trying to say is, adventuring on a bike doesn’t have to be expensive (although I’m probably preaching to the choir in this subreddit).
by wesmokingpenis
Love it, that color scheme is fantastic! Might be showing my ignorance a bit here, but what exactly are those large cylindrical bits opposite the rear brake bosses on the seat stays? Have not seen anything like that before.
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