Hi all,

    I have some time during Thanksgiving (between 10 days to 2 weeks) and I wanted to do some cycletouring in Europe. Given the time of the year (late November), I suppose the only place with decent weather for such adventure would be further south, so I'm considering the Mediterranean Route. I'm contemplating two options right now:

    • Begin around Barcelona and ride all the way to North Italy or;
    • Begin in North Italy and go to Croatia.

    I never did a bike trip in Europe before, so any comments about:

    1. The Mediterranean Route itself and what to expect;
    2. If it is even a good idea to go there during the end of November;
    3. Which of the two options are best — and even if they're feasible for my time window.
    4. Is camping possible? I'd like to go on a budget 🙂

    Some things about me that might be relevant: I use a gravel bike for my travels so I'm comfortable with unpaved roads, but not full trails that are prone to get muddy; I did multiple days of cycletouring with camping before but I would not describe myself as an expert; I would be traveling as a solo woman.

    Thanks for any advice/suggestions

    by VladimiroPudding

    1 Comment

    1. Honestly that time a year I would just do some sort of round trip in Spain/Portugal.  (Or the islands?)

      While it might not be freezing in those places of your route, chances are it’s gonna be cold and wet, not very pleasant. 

      Many campings will be closed around that time, wildcamping is always possible as long as you are smart about it.

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