My mom just gave me this bike because she got a new one but it’s a women’s bike, I’m a 15 year old boy so will people would judge me because it’s a women’s bike or no?

    by MudProfessional3881


    1. I would absolutely ride a woman’s bike if it fit. The geometry is different, but if it feels good, ride it. It’s a good bike!

    2. Adults who know will not and if they do it’s because of the nicer paint job.

      Unlikely anyone else would recognize it.

    3. 99% of people either won’t notice or if they do notice they won’t care. 1% of people who “care” either won’t say anything or can be ignored. Of those who comment ask them to buy you a new bike and have a picture of an expensive bike.

    4. My 2nd bike is a Liv Alight because it fits and rides well. This is the Giant line of bikes designed for women. I’ve ridden this bike and my primary road bike nearly 8,000 miles so far this year.

      So my advice is to adjust it for yourself, clean it up, lube the chain and cables, and go ride! If someone asks if you’re riding a women’s bike, tell them it’s your bike.

    5. Awesome bike to ride, thank you Mom. Also dudes pay for fancy pink and purple bikes, you just lucked out and got one for free.

    6. I’m a grown man, and I wouldn’t have any issue riding this bike. Cool color, cause it’s unusual. It’s a good bike, ride it bro.

    7. I’m pretty sure that there’s no difference between that bike and the same size Roubaix.

      I think the color is nice. If the logo on the top tube is bothering you, ask if you can put some decals or handlebar wrap on the top tube. If anyone asks, it’s just there to protect against handlebar strikes.

    8. Bikes really arent gendered like that if it feels good go have fun and ride! Thats a nice bike u got there!

    9. Psychological-Scar53 on

      I rode a Diamondback Lux Sport 27.5 for a long time. It was a nice color blue, lightweight and felt good. Don’t let the fact that a bike is a “woman’s” bike. The one in the pic is a nice color, looks like it is carbon fiber and will ride nice.

    10. Outrageous-Debate-64 on

      Just find a funny joke you can tell people if they try to break your balls. I would have no idea though.

    11. Outrageous-Debate-64 on

      Just find a funny joke you can tell people if they try to break your balls. I would have no idea though.

    12. Specialized Dolce is a sweet bike and has an extra gear on the front chain ring compared to other road bikes.

      If your friends give you grief it’s because you’re dropping them on your climbs.

    13. So I will (potentially) disagree with some people here. Woman’s road bikes (can) have slightly different frame geometry to accommodate woman’s shorter legs. If the bike feels boxy no matter how high you raise the seat post, that could be why. But if it feels good, send it.
      -source back in college I sold and fit road bikes at a bike shop that specialized in higher end road bikes.

    14. Specialized Dolce is a sweet bike and has an extra gear on the front chain ring compared to other road bikes.

      If your friends give you grief it’s because you’re dropping them on your climbs.

    15. I literally wouldn’t notice and nobody else will either. And if they did they wouldn’t care. A free bike is a free bike. Especially in good condition.

    16. SchizzleBritches on

      So long as it fits you, ride it! You could always cover some of the stickers with helicopter tape if you want to. Someone would have to be really studying it to know the difference.

    17. PiggypPiggyyYaya on

      Aww hell noo. That bike has woman written all over it. Seriously though, they are practically the same bike. It’s just a matter of fit. The only reason this could be a problem for you is that it might be too small depending on you’re height and inseem.

    18. rogerthat-overandout on

      I had a pink bicycle for a while (Pink fixed gear) No one cared or said anything. It was on special and the frame fit good. 

    19. Most people won’t notice.

      Anyone who notices will likely not care.

      Anyone who cares is weird, but if they ask and you freely admit it like it’s the most obvious natural thing in the world, you’ll come off as based.

      Definitely ride it. It’s a great color.

    20. I am a very short dude.
      I have had a few women’s bikes.
      Usually the saddle sucks.
      Other than that just ride it.

      That one looks to be in really good shape, I’d be stoked.

    21. Are you a woman? Because if your mom gave it to you then it’s your bike, so unless you are a woman, it isn’t a woman’s bike.

    22. Dang, I’d love to rip around on that bike! I’ll never leave my true ride but I always have time for town laps on beautiful bike. Ride it, if you get home smiling and want to do it again….

    23. ShockinglyMilgram on

      Will someone give you shit? Most certainly. Is it a dope bike in a great color? Yep. No one can talk shit when you’re faster than them

    24. I’d say it’s a much nicer bike than most of us (certainly myself) were riding at 15. Take good care of it, you’ll probably outgrow it before long, but in the meanwhile you can get some good riding in. 

    25. Disastrous-Count-887 on

      Bro it’s a brand name Specialized, you’re lucky to get that bike at your age. If your friends knows about bikes, they will be jealous.

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