Posted by @boohoo_barbecue on instagram

    Too unhinged to not share

    by coffeecupcoaster


    1. He’s had a couple interesting police interactions. He seems to know what he’s doing and within the law.

    2. It would be funny if every cyclist in the USA didn’t understand exactly why he does what he does. 

      “Jesus, do I need 30 tail lights and a fucking weapon not to get hit?”


    3. Littlesynth-addict on

      Not unhinged when people are getting killed left and right, AND not getting charged with anything. It doesn’t help that the headlines are like “Vehicles Collides with Cyclist” or “Cyclists dies after incident involving motor vehicle”. Just say a person in a car killed a person on a bike.

    4. This guy has had one too many punishment passes. He’s preemptively discouraging another punishment pass.

      Whether he’s armed or not, drivers will notice him and give a wide berth.

      I feel and understand his sentiment.

    5. sweetcomputerdragon on

      I cycle 9 miles per day in an urban area and have no animosity towards motorists. I regard them the same way I regarded other drivers when I drove to work. Verbal tantrums aren’t stated in person, only anonymously on the web.

    6. chuckEchickpeas on

      I saw this guy out in the wild last year, I think in Idaho. he was definitely visible, no arguing that.

    7. Nomad_Industries on

      The Armed Cyclist on YouTube.

      From his videos, it seems like motorists give him plenty of space, so probably “mission accomplished” as far as he’s concerned.

    8. Jojoceptionistaken on

      Interesting. A 2kw strobe light would be nice to respectfully blind the shit out of those tailgaters

    9. The roads out here be crazy. I was “Punish Passed” yesterday by some jerk in an 80’s red sports car that came like six inches from my leg.

    10. I like the idea of attaching a propane tank to my bike. If you’re gonna take me out, you are going with me!

    11. Unfortunately, in Ohio at least, this would just make you more of a target. I refuse to ride on the roads anymore. Too many close calls, too many assholes. I wish we had “real” bike lanes with barriers between cyclists and vehicles. Same reason I don’t ride a motorcycle—most people in cars/trucks/SUV’s are only looking for other cars/trucks/SUV’s. Goddamnit, now I’m just depressed.

    12. I live in Albuquerque. On my rides, I would often see an older dude, riding a good road bike, wearing goggles, and fully strapped so you could see the gun. He smiled at other cyclists, but I’m not sure what face he gave to the vehicles.

    13. This guy is confirming every stereotype every bicycle-hating motorist has, real or imagined, about cyclists. He’s making it worse for all of us. What a tool!

    14. I concealed carry everywhere, including while biking but idk if this shirt would cause more problems than it solves.

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