Watch Episode 4 NOW:


    Following a few successful years of straight line missioning inspired by Geowizard, we decided to branch out into an all new field of the sport: Straight Line Cycling!

    We were aiming for a factor of 100 of a walking Straight Line Mission. That might sound like a lot but it turned out to be extremely challenging as you’ll see!


    1. Geowizard: 100 meter deviation = fail. Archie: took a train = dirty platinum 😋. You guys are fantastic, but that's why you go as a team. Adam can keep going and Archie can be support from here on (this time), including having a working bike for you to sub out. And this can be a good strategy for next time!

    2. First attempt at something rarely ends with full success. Im sure you'll get more experienced next time. Also why not use bikes with disc brakes? Those last way longer.

    3. great video, fair play to the builders and the local bike shop, dropping everything and fixing his bike, WAY better than Halfords from the last video, Adam is a machine

    4. Love the longer videos here, I think this is the best style for these kinds of adventures.
      Also Adam’s fitness is crazy, bro is a machine!

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