Give it to Sam Pilgrim to SHRED in his freebike series
__KptnHaddock on
Kickflip it
eliasdsdf on
duh, front basket, fenders, 1x conversion etc.
PurpleFugi on
Definitely you should ride it across a tight rope while wearing a fake, round, red nose that honks when you squeeze it and comically large, very brightly colored shoes.
EngineeringOne1812 on
Perform at a circus or children’s parties
Tosssauceinmybag on
Looks like the Epiplectic Bicycle
photogRathie_ on
Looks like someone asked their niece to draw a bike without any reference and then went and made it
anchorthemoon on
Plasmodium0 on
Racks, basket, mudguard and use it as your daily commuter
JunkMilesDavis on
This is amazing. I have no idea what I would do with it either, but for some reason I want to see a second uni fork and pedals on the front too.
el_frug on
Drop it back off.
JasonIsFishing on
I would get racks, panniers, illumination and do a cross country tour!
Diligent-Advance9371 on
Get an ape hanger bar on there and do wheelies…lots of wheelies.
wellingtonrato on
Give it to me IMMEDIATELY
youtellmebob on
Make sure your health insurance is in good order?
wcoastbo on
Make it a 69er! Go mullet with it.
Individual-Joke-853 on
Ooh these things are insane. I rode one once. If you get used to it it’s really cool and fun to ride. And dangerous.
Learn to ride it first.
Join a clown posse?
teach a bear to ride it
Return it?
Learn tricks. It seems to be a unicycle with extra parts. Cool trick potential is high.
send it 🤙
Something like [This](, ideally!
Give it to Sam Pilgrim to SHRED in his freebike series
Kickflip it
duh, front basket, fenders, 1x conversion etc.
Definitely you should ride it across a tight rope while wearing a fake, round, red nose that honks when you squeeze it and comically large, very brightly colored shoes.
Perform at a circus or children’s parties
Looks like the Epiplectic Bicycle
Looks like someone asked their niece to draw a bike without any reference and then went and made it
Racks, basket, mudguard and use it as your daily commuter
This is amazing. I have no idea what I would do with it either, but for some reason I want to see a second uni fork and pedals on the front too.
Drop it back off.
I would get racks, panniers, illumination and do a cross country tour!
Get an ape hanger bar on there and do wheelies…lots of wheelies.
Give it to me IMMEDIATELY
Make sure your health insurance is in good order?
Make it a 69er! Go mullet with it.
Ooh these things are insane. I rode one once. If you get used to it it’s really cool and fun to ride. And dangerous.
1x 12
Pedal it home
It definitely needs 88mm carbon rims
Start a YouTube channel ride it across America