1 Comment

    1. MariachiArchery on

      What in the *fuck*? How did this happen? Is your seat post fully inserted? Are you riding this through salt water every day? Did you run it into a garage with this on your car or something?

      Obviously, you should not ride a bike that is cracking like this. Also, I really doubt this is repairable. I guess you could theoretically replace the whole tube, but that is going to be so expensive and finding someone to do that work would be difficult.

      Who made this frame? You should reach out to them. Ti bikes *should* last a lifetime, literally. Like, 50-100 years, that bike frame should be good. If this were my bike frame (I built it), assuming this is a material defect and not misuse or crash damage of some kind, I’d be wanting to replace this.

      Litespeed and Lynskey offer lifetime warranties. I’d imagine most Ti bike manufacturers do as well.

      What happened here? Who made this bike frame?

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