1. At 4:49 a guy with a black T-shirt gave signals that he was going to the left. I assume he is a student Godgeleerdheid at the Vrije Universiteit, coming from the province. Not many give turn signals, even the dooie diender at his moped forgot to signal, just like most cars.

    2. If you’re driving a car (let’s say you rented one) and you’re driving inside the city center and you reach a crossing like this. Don’t just press the accelerator, but just release the brake pedal so the car starts rolling. Then you gently can merge in all upcoming traffic.
      But the general rule is: don’t use a car in the city center at all unless you really have to.
      Cycling is much faster and much more relaxed. And when you walk you can see much more of the city/ scenery.

    3. So I drew a mental line along those shark teeth at the top of the intersection going from the "STACH" store to the bush, and I counted all the bikes that passed that line going any direction. I counted 215 in the first 5 minutes. So that works out to about 2500 people moved through that small space each hour. 

      I then compared that to this video of cars going by (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e_WBuBqS9h8) and counted 65 cars in the same period of time (which would be 97 people)

      So this is a real world example of how bike lanes are at least 2x more efficient at moving people through an area than cars.

    4. The main problem is the sheer quantity of bikes for the size and layout of the infrastructure, and while there is some level of reluctant cooperation at work here, for me it's not an admirable cultural showcase but rather a depressing demonstration of organised chaos and unfriendly, blanking ech other out, me-first attitude. In an ideal world I would much rather take my turn and wait a few seconds at such a messy junction than have to risk (albeit minor) injury by having to bluff or chicken-play myself through it…that would require everyone else to adopt this more civilised convention too…which is probably never going to happen…like a lot of other more reasonable approaches our human societies ignore.

    5. I love how with that congestion and business, people on bikes get around just fine, but it's the cars that are the disruption to everything

    6. I like the biking concept, but each car, motorbike, and cyclist needs to respect the other. YOU are NOT the only one on the road!

    7. Bikers in cities that allow for them are the worse, no respect for any sign, or even any common sense, keep going like there are no rules.

    8. the amount of people that create unsafe situations for them selfs and others just because they can't stay behind somebody else for 5 seconds is kind of infuriating. i get why because if you bike according to the book you will not arrive at your desitination any time soon. but seeing people over take and then swing right arround the people they overtake is stupid.
      7:16 for example the man in red on the left with the cargo bike could easily cross the road before the other man cut him of and now he creates a dangerous sitatution for multiple people. if instead he just stayed behind them he would have been next the the woman in green who proceed about 6 meter behind him.

    9. I pray and hope the government of my country one day will adopt the cycling culture to the people so dying on the road on fast moving cars are no more.

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