1. I also can’t tell if you have a helmet on but if you don’t, get a decent one that fits and don’t f*ck around about it.

    2. Keep your feet level at all times. You went over a jump with one for down and one up. Pedals level!

    3. I won’t give you advice on jumping as I’m just about to get my first coaching session on the topic 😅 But I will give you some advice on body position which is relevant to this. Your arms are in a very weak position with the elbows pointing downwards. This is causing you to be compressed into the bike on the transition.

      Point your elbows outwards like you’re doing a push-up. Really exaggerate the position here. This will engage the larger muscles in your chest and core. This will allow you to keep a strong position without sinking into the bars and losing energy in the transition of the jump.

      I’m sure others here will have some more advice on the actual jumping technique. Keep at it.

    4. InsertRadnamehere on

      Stay off your saddle. Never go over jumps seated. You need to be standing in attack position.

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