It finally happened. someone tried busting into my DIY lock. They broke up the inside of the keyhole trying to lockpick it and made bite marks on the lock and I assume they gave up.

    by Masl12


    1. Not sure what type of bolt cutters they were using, this was a 7 dollar masterlock I got from target and a rusty chain I got from my dad’s workplace. I couldn’t open the lock anymore as the person severely fucked it up and a passerby ended up helping me open it by using my key and brute forcing it open.

    2. MegaBobTheMegaSlob on

      I doubt they were trying to pick the lock. They likely tried to cut the lock and failed, then attempted to sabotage the lock so you couldn’t open it, in hopes that you’d leave the bike overnight and they could come back with an angle grinder to cut the lock

    3. Anybody with the vaguest idea of how to pick a lock will have a master lock open in seconds, doesnt even need picking, a shim of soda can is all it takes.

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