1. quack-and-slash on

      I’m in between the Restrospec Beumont, the Priority Classic Plus: Gotham version, and the Brooklyn Bicycle: Franklin.

      I basically just want to use this bike for short bike rides and trips to the grocery store. The only time I’ll have it parked outside is when at the grocery store… I just want something low-key with a back rack that I can put a grocery pannier on, and have something more than 1-speed as I’m not quite in shape enough to do one speed.

      Or should I just forgo getting a new bike altogether and try to get a secondhand bike? I’m a beginner, so I don’t know anything about getting an old bike and modifying it to fit my needs.

      Thanks in advance. 🙂

    2. You are looking for the perfect type of bike for what you want to use it for. The used bike market is great for buyers right now because so many companies are having to discount new bikes. If you go with getting a used bike, while you might save money, it can be a little bit harder to know what type of maintenance it will need. If you do decide to get a used bike, ask the seller to meet you at a local bike shop who you trust and just ask a shop to take a look at it and advise what sort of service it might need. That way you can go into your purchase with all the information.

      Most bicycle thefts are thefts of convenience. Owning a $300 bike versus a $1,000 bike makes no difference to the thief. Focus on making it highly inconvenient for it to be stolen. Two locks on a bike that is in a highly trafficked area, like right in front of the grocery store entrance.

      Another potential benefit for buying a second hand bike is that you could have more budget to put toward customizing it. Say you don’t like the seat, or you want to add a bell and some lights. If you saved $200 on the cost of the bike by going with a used one, it would be a lot easier to make those changes.

    3. Get a nice bike that doesn’t look like a nice bike.

      I have a friend that lives in the Washington DC area. She rides a Look 875 that’s worth a few thousand dollars, but she rattle canned the whole thing matte black has medical tape on the grips and a trash bag on the seat And she’s never had an issue in 10+ years of commuting

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