So I’ve been mountain biking for years. Started an apparel company for bmx and mtb recently so decided if I’m gonna make the gear I should learn to ride one right? Landed this Eastern Traildigger for $285 shipped and I gotta say I’m in love. It’s totally different but man I almost enjoy it more than mtb and that’s saying alot.



    1. Mysterious-Can9267 on

      Not at all Brother. I’m 40 going on 41 and have never stopped. Now I get to ride with my Kids it’s the best, I Wouldn’t change it for anything in the world.

    2. Hell yeah! I rode BMX until my early 20’s and got out of it soon after joined the Military. 5 years ago I got stationed in SoCal, and a lot of dudes in my shop rode Mountain Bikes and asked if I rode. I started riding with them and got super bored with the trails they rode. Talked some of them in to going to snow summit and ride. They didn’t believe I could jump lol.

      I’m in Texas know and I just bought a BMX bike so I can ride again because I’ve been have the itch. I’m 38, but I still feel like I’m in my 20’s. In my head I feel that way lol

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