I got a Salsa Vaya off Facebook a bit ago and wanted to add this Velo Orange Copenhagen center kickstand with the extra plate on it. While installing, I realized the brake cable guide braze-on was in the way of the center bridge, so I just kinda put it on diagonally (with electrical tape protecting the paint). Additionally the rear derailleur cable going under rubs a bit against the bottom of the kickstands opposite side. A quick spin around the block feels fine, I just wanna know if this is actually something sketchy or could cause damage. The frame is steel so I think its ok

    by 4-Polytope


    1. I guess it’s fine, but personally I would make the top spacer plate shorter. And file down the bottom spacer plate so that there is minimal friction with the cable.

    2. I’ve seen many bikes with this kind of clamp-on system with crushed chain stays. I tend to think the frame should be designed for a kick stand for it to work effectively and consistently. Not as an aftermarket accessory to be installed on any bike.

    3. it’s fine. i don’t love the rear derailer cable rubbing though. if possible, file or sand down the bottom there so it doesn’t interfere. i didn’t see that when i originally made my post (this is edited). the rest of this is fine though.

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