Let these tires go way flat. Now I’m trying to refil the sealant and put air back into them.

    I’m using a compressor and am able to pop the tire back with that air pressure, but a lot of the sealant is still shooting out and the tire is not airtight even after popping, so I am not able to redo the air valve core in time.

    Have been trying for a couple hours, is there a way to save these tires and my sanity?

    by PresidentBirb


    1. AwkwardCommission on

      Um, you can put the sealant in after you pop the bead into place.

      So pop bead into place, air comes out, sealant goes in, valve core goes on, and you pump up as normal.

    2. Take the tires off, clean rims and tires, put tires back on, pop them in place with the compressor. Release the air, put valve core in, and inflate. The tires should keep the air for a few minutes or hours even without any sealant. Otherwise I’d suggest you try different/new tires.

    3. Take the tires off, clean rims and tires, put tires back on, pop them in place with the compressor. Release the air, put valve core in, and inflate. The tires should keep the air for a few minutes or hours even without any sealant. Otherwise I’d suggest you try different/new tires.

    4. Take the tires off, clean rims and tires, put tires back on, pop them in place with the compressor. Release the air, put valve core in, and inflate. The tires should keep the air for a few minutes or hours even without any sealant. Otherwise I’d suggest you try different/new tires.

    5. Put the valve core back in and inflate with a track pump.
      Road tyres will usually catch with a bit of vigorous pumping.

    6. wastingtimeandmoney1 on

      I leave the valve core in , inflate to seat, slowly let air out with valve core so tire stays seated. Once air is out, remove valve core, add sealant, add valve core. Inflate

    7. If you don’t have a pump – CO2 can do the trick. But deflate it afterwards and pump again with clear air

    8. Most likely you have a leak somewhere then. Try removing the valve, cleaning it, and putting it back in. That’s the culprit more often than not. Only other option is the tape

    9. Spirited_Medicine205 on

      I had these exact rims. What worked for me was placing the tire on the rim, adding sealant, put the valve core back in place. I rotate the tire so the valve core is at the top and using an air compressor pop into place. For the life of me I could not get it to pop and seal without the sealant. Are you trying to fill the tires with air without the valve core in place? Or am I reading that wrong?

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