Founded in 1951, the Technical Museum of Slovenia (TMS) aims to research, collect and exhibit Slovenia’s technical heritage, as well as to protect the historically important technical buildings, installations and machines. Its collections (historically) elaborate on various topics such as cars, bicycles and other vehicles; the sawing, woodworking, textile and milling industries; printing and bookmaking; telecommunications services; and so on.

    Established in 2010, the Slovenian Museum & Archives in Cleveland works to collect, preserve, and share objects and artifacts that tell the stories of Slovenian life, identity, and migration. Their reading room, archival collections, exhibitions, and programs serve as an important resource for scholars, students, and lovers of Slovene art and culture—not only in Cleveland, but around the world.

    On Friday September 13, 2024 the Slovenian Museum & Archives held the grand opening of a new exhibit, Us & Them: Without Frontiers which was organized by the Technical Museum of Slovenia. Us & Them: Without Frontiers examines the fascinating scientific connections between Slovenia and the United States, and the benefits that have resulted from both cultural migration and shared knowledge. The project—which showcases original memorabilia as well as digital interactive tools—tells the compelling stories of individuals who have a strong, direct connection to the US, including Slovenian American astronaut Sunita Williams, Voyager engineer Anton Mavretic, professor of experimental physics Anton Peterlin, planet hunter Marija Strojnik, professor of electronics Aleš Strojnik, Silicon Valley pioneer France Rode, and inventor Peter Florjancic.

    The video begins with a welcome from Museum Director Dr. Luka Ziblenik. Next, Consul General of Slovenia Suzana Češarek spoke. She was followed by Technical Museum of Slovenia Director Barbara Jursic and then Museum Councilor Irena Marusic who explained the accomplishments of many of the people featured in the exhibit.

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