As I successfully missed my opportunity to post NBD Photos, let me do it after the first 1.5k km.

    I just love this bike!

    Things I love:

    • fast on gravel, fast on the road
    • responsive and just fun to ride
    • comfortable enough but also stiff
    • It looks great

    Things I am about to change:

    • switch the cassette to the 11-40 MTB cassette. I just have to push a little to hard to get up STEEP climbs
    • install the DI2 Bluetooth dongle – This is actually the one thing which I don’t understand why it’s not with the bike to start with..
    • maybe switch to a tubeless setup and maybe switch the tires. I love the Schwalbe G-ones (very fast – but also a bit fragile) though I think I will get 42‘s (any suggestions? Fast but also durable)
    • switch to a waxed chain

    by Drop1210

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