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    Diane in Denmark – I’m here to be your cheerleader! Are you ready to get organized? I love using the Flylady and Getting Things Done systems!

    The Getting Things Done method–bx4tIGqNbsnGp3DMPdnX

    Dressing your Truth/Building a wardrobe/clothes declutter

    My own Flylady story

    From Chaos to Clean! I will hold your hand for the 31 days of the Flylady’s Babysteps!

    Flylady Refresher Course

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    Denmark and Hygge!

    Bahookie Camp for a new, improved you!

    Christmas/the Holidays

    Declutter (How to start, how to keep going)

    Using the magic timer! How long does it take to do laundry/ironing/unload the dishwasher?

    Working in the Flylady Zones (cleaning, decluttering, missions)

    LOL! (Loads of laundry…) My laundry routines

    My Flylady Routines

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    Making a Flylady Control Journal

    Question and Answer Time

    Flylady’s Weekly Home Blessing Hour
    Routines – The Seven Day Challenge

    Virtual 5 Day Retreat, Flylady style

    40 Day Declutter Challenge


    1. Merci Diane. Grâce à vous, j'ai la confirmation que je préfère les pays du nord du continent. Il va falloir que j'aille visiter le Danemark. Pour l'instant au nord ouest, je ne suis allée qu'en Norvège et en Islande. Pouvez-vous me dire si les petites rues que vous traversez (vers la minute 3.40) sont dans le quartier latin dont vous nous avez parlé ? Merci encore.

    2. I haven't been tucked in a bicycle basket for over 50 yrs 😉 – fantastic ride! And speaking of 50s, way-to-role model a happy, healthy, independent, vibrant, organized, creative life. Go you indeed 😎💃🚴🏻‍♀️🤸👍🚉🎶🎸

    3. More walkers and bikers than cars. That's great! Loved the train ride back to Copenhagen. On the trip home what were those hugh things that looked like giant waves?

    4. I was in Denmark in April and stayed in the same hotel in Aarhus! I hope you loved your trip as much as I did.

    5. I. Loved. This!! Thank you for letting my eyes see part of what your eyes saw! You know how we all love your taking us with you! And thank you as always for taking the time to make and upload these videos. (Your train ride reminded me of the many train trips I took from Brussels to Gent when my daughter was living in Belgium. I love European trains!).Looking forward to seeing more of your fabulous trip. Love across the miles

    6. Thank you for this trip video! It makes me miss Europe… The streets, shops, architecture, public art, train rides, bells, and more bikes than cars. Love that wee hotel room. 🙂 Look forward to seeing you at the concert you've been excited about!

    7. Lovely video Diane. I enjoyed the sit by the church. Nothing like hearing the church bells. This is something I miss here in Canada. It provides such peaceful atmosphere.

    8. Someday, I hope to visit Europe. I like how it seems safe to walk and bike alone. The hotel room was very unique having bunk beds and, a kettle!

    9. This is so funny. I was actually walking right by you, when you where filming that introduction in the central station, thinking 'Here's yet another vlogger'. How funny that I saw your video by chance. 😄🇩🇰

    10. The sign 'I fart hertil'. 😂 You know your audience's sense of humor. Just catching up on some old videos I've missed while I have tea and chocolate. Thank you for the smiles Diane. Truly.

    11. This was incredibly wholesome content and definitely inspiring in terms of self-love and spending time with yourself. Made me feel warm inside :') great editing and content too!

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