1. 1) wait for it to rain

      2) cover your~~self~~ bike in oil

      2a) full send it in a grassy field

      3) ???

      4) eat shit

    2. Wet roads or gravel, once you get the feeling for the motion you gotta do with your legs it becomes quite easy.

    3. Before you learn to whip skid you have to learn to hop skid, getting off the seat and shifting off some of your body weight from the rear wheel. By learning to hop skid you get more comfortable transitioning into whip skids.
      But to be frank, after skidding for 15 years, my knees are feelin it lol or I’m getting old… both?

      You can do it!!

    4. Might be a controversial take but I think anyone who cant skid in some way should gear down until they learn it on an easier gear.

    5. Best tip I ever ignored was to use your strongest leg to pull up and push back/down with your other leg. Once I started doing that it clicked. It helps to put your weight more forward and not go too fast when beginning and once you build up strength you won’t have to be so far forward and skidding at speed will be more natural. Also try your best to learn with your non dominant foot forward too. Hop skids help with learning the motion and developing muscle memory, again try with both feet forward. Not a pro just sharing what helped me.

    6. Just start super slow in a parking lot, and practice moving your weight forward to break traction.

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