Solo bike camping trip from Val-d’Or to Montreal: 600km (375mi) in 6 days through La Vérendrye Park, wild camping in an abandoned quarry, battling countless flats, and swimming in pristine lakes. A journey of self-reliance, scenic beauty, and overcoming challenges on two wheels.

    by pchretien


    1. I’m thrilled to have discovered this channel! I wanted to share my experience cycling from Val-d’Or to Montreal this past fall. For anyone wanting to experience Quebec’s wilderness in a unique way, I highly recommend it. Just be prepared for a few bumps (and punctures) along the way!

    2. Man that’s a hike. Looks beautiful. I’ve always wanted to explore more of Canada. I did the yearly tour in Montreal and was hooked ever since.

    3. Weren’t you scared to sleep near tables? I mean, if someone will pass by and steal something.

      When I and a friend travel by bikes (in Central Europe), we sleep far in the forest (at least 50-100m deep from the field or road). But also because tenting is illegal here 😄

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