1. Put some new tyres on a set of second hand wheels I bought, but the wheel didn’t appear to spin straight. I trued the wheel, but it was pretty good already (<1mm). When I put the tyre back on the ‘bend’ was in a different place, so definitely nothing to do with the wheel. Inner tube is not twisted or anything, so any idea what this could be?

      edit: Thanks for the advice, put the pressure up the tyres maximum rating and it seated itself alright

    2. shepherdoftheforesst on

      It’s either not seated correctly or it’s a dodgy tyre, probably the former. I’d deflate and try again

      I’ve had a couple of dodgy ones in my lifetime that had a bulge making it seem like they weren’t seated properly when they were

    3. As others said, deflate, reseat the tire. Soapy water can help the tire to slide into the sides of the rim correctly. Also pay attention to the tube. If you screw the valve down before inflation you’ll provoke a dent because the tube cannot “slide up” into the tire.

    4. Fluffy_Dance6101 on

      I just had this problem this morning. Spent some time adjusting spoke nipples only to realize part of my tire bead wasn’t seated fully lol check that first

    5. Same as others have said, looks like the tire isn’t seated properly. Soapy water and inflating quickly with an air compressor both help.

    6. Definitely not seated properly. Deflate and adjust the tire. I had this happen to me last week. Wasn’t paying attention and almost had a blowout. Looked like the wheel had a blister because of the amount of pressure 🤣

    7. Lucky-Musician-1448 on

      I can’t tell if your valve stem area is caught under the tyre. If yes, deflate it and push the stem in a bit.

    8. what tires are those? gravelking slicks? been thinking about getting a pair of 28s to put on my madone

    9. To actually check if a rim is true, remove the tire. This looks like a poorly seated tire rather than a wonky wheel.

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