My neighbour gave me this Kuwahara Apollo a few years ago and I’ve used it a bunch as a commuter. Any chance this could be a good base for a bikepacking build? I’d be willing to put another 300-400$ into it max. Only thing I’ve changed are the tires as it was still on the originals.

    Thanks in advance!

    by Emergency_Actuary


    1. simplejackbikes on

      Sure, why not. I started my touring on an old 90’s steel frame.

      The only thing that made me nervous was the lack of braking power on steep descents, so now ive upgraded to a modern frame with disc brakes.

    2. It’s the exact kind of bike people (including myself) used to bikepack back in the 80’s/90’s because that’s what there was.

      Also, are those Tioga City Slickers?!..

    3. Caribou-nordique-710 on

      Probably the best bike for the job!

      * indestructible metal friction shifters
      * strong frame that can be repaired anywhere (if you can break it!)
      * got a kickstand! (no need to lean the loaded bike on something)
      * parts available anywhere

      Great bike to learn the basics of bike mechanics, you won’t fear to break anything expensive.

      Check all the bearings for damage/grease, spoke tension, brake pads, etc…

    4. MonsterKabouter on

      Sure. Give it a good clean and a general service. Those handlebars are sought after. I wouldn’t change much unless something is worn out. Get a frame bag, a dry bag for on top of the rack, strap your tent to the front, and go do an overnighter and see how you feel about the bike

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