Hey there. I've had an issue with my chain skipping in the mid high gears (3rd/4th from highest) when peddling. I've replaced the 9 speed cassette and the 9 speed chain and reindexed several times and still have skipping on those two cogs – all other cogs run smoothly. Scoured the internet and tried all that I could find except for buying a new bike. Any suggestions on a fix?

    Chain Skipping
    byu/miketangogolf inbikewrench

    by miketangogolf


    1. Are you certain that is a 9spd chain?

      If so, the indexing might be off. When the chain crawls over the top, iirc (and it’s been a while) you may have too much tension on the shift cable. Taking it in a half turn at a time may get you where you need to be.

      If that doesn’t work, not sure what else I’d try….

    2. Altruistic-Papaya171 on

      Check for friction of the cable running through the housing. Look for pinch points. Too much friction and the shifting will tend to index different going up vs going down.

      Last thing is the b tension screw. I used to always set the screw so the derailer pulley was just off the cassette in the lowest (largest) gear. Then one day I had bad shifting on brand new hardware so I decided to look at the recommendations in the derailer manual. It said to adjust for something like 1cm on that particular derailer. I did it and it worked like a charm.

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