Recently took my wife’s bike for a full tune up and mentioned to the shop that you can hear a chirping noise while pedaling. When we picked it up, they said they cleaned and greased everything and they couldn’t hear it anymore. We have gone for several rides now and every time, after about 10 miles or so, the bike starts chirping (just as it did before the tune up). It’s always when she’s in this specific ring on the back and the big ring on the front. When she shifts to other gears it doesn’t chirp anymore (as the video is intended to demonstrate). Unfortunately this is her flat road gear, so she is in it a lot and it gets really loud. If anyone has any tips to help, it would be much appreciated! Maybe something to do with the jockey wheels?

    Chirping Noise in Only One Cassette Ring
    byu/_Enlighter_ inbikewrench

    by _Enlighter_

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